Thousand of versions about history exist, they are created naturally, by generations, by culture, countries etc. Stories get modified, some stay the same and some get mixed. Now this is our version of the story about how thanksgiving day begun.

According to history. First of all, PILGRIMS were once called Saints, it all began with them disagreeing with the church stablished in England, because of this, most of them moved to Holland. These "Separatists" or "Saints" wanted NO allegiance to the Church of England. They moved to HOLLAND seeking religious freedom, which they did find, later for them to realize that religion in Holland wasn't even a thing, instead they found a cosmopolitan atmosphere who started to capture the young children of the “Separatists”. Knowing this, they returned to England still in disagreement with the church, only to get organized and plan their journey to the “new world”. Lucky enough for them, a local merchant agreed to advance the money for their journey.

In september 1620, a merchant ship called the MAYFLOWER set sail from Plymouth, on the southern coast of England. The Mayflower’s cargo was wine and dry goods, but on this trip the ship carried passengers: 102 of them, all hoping to start a new life on the other side of the ATLANTIC. Nearly 40 of these passengers were Protestant Separatists–they called themselves “Saints”–who hoped to establish a new church in the New World. Today, we often refer to the colonists who crossed the Atlantic on the Mayflower as “Pilgrims.”
Now you are part of the culture!
THANKSGIVING is mainly a holiday celebrated in USA and Canada, but now a days it has become more international. If you ever want to celebrate it here are the few things you must know:
1. Say THANK YOU for everything you have around you
2. Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade
3. Go to the store... by a tasty raw turkey
4. Watch the presidential turkey pardon in the news
5. Watch American football
6. Cooooook!!
7. Eat more than you thought was humanly possible
Cranberry sauce
Mashed potatoes
Pumpkin Pie
Don’t forget about BLACK FRIDAY & CYBER MONDAY, take a few risks, it’s only once a year.
Happy Thanksgiving Day ;)