Your perfect trip may be in 2 weeks or in 2 years, but you need to start planning it right know, here are some tips to have a perfect trip:
Find A Tour in each city you visit to have a better experience
Find a good restaurant for each day, so when you are hungry you know we’re to eat and it will be delicious.
Rent a Car or find a transportation method, in personal experiences traveling in a cruise is an excellent thing, because you don’t need to worry about the hotel, and the food, and I’m sure you will have a great time aboard, also traveling by train is a great option.
In my personal experience traveling to Asia or to South America is beautiful, their culture is amazing, and all the landscapes they have are incredible. Traveling is something beautiful that you need to do in life, It helps you relax and have fun without thinking of anything bad.
Also traveling with family or friends is something very nice, because the family gets more confidence, and having time in family is incredible, so imagine the combination of traveling with family is perfect.